Taking the first step towards starting psychotherapy can bring about many feelings. If you are here, you are exploring the possibility of change in your life, which can be exciting, scary, sad, hope-giving, and many other feelings – all at once!

My philosophy, in a nutshell, is that relationships matter. So it doesn’t matter how many accolades and awards a clinician has or how many people they have successfully treated, if they aren’t a good fit for you. That being said, what I recommend people look for in their search for a psychotherapist include:

therapeutic orientation

how I think about my clients and how I help them

I take a holistic biopsychosocial and developmentally-informed approach to treatment that is based in the current evidence and focuses on relationships as the agent of change. What that means is that I think about how biology and the environment interact to influence our thoughts and feelings.

science based

holistic perspective

relationally focused

Culturally humble

developmentally informed

neurodiversity & gender affirming


I provide telehealth psychotherapy services for individuals residing throughout the State of California and in-person psychotherapy services for individuals in Long Beach, CA. Generally, I am able to provide telehealth services between 7-9am and 6-7:30pm on weekdays. In-person services are available only between 9am-12pm on Saturdays.

I do not take insurance but am able to provide a superbill for people wishing to independently pursue reimbursement from their health plans. Please note that insurance may or may not reimburse you for the services provided and I am not responsible for whether they do or not. Additionally, I cannot provide services to anyone who has Medi-Cal or Medicare – even if you will not be using your Medi-Cal or Medicare to pay for our sessions.

Click here to access my calendar and book a free 15-20 minute Initial Consultation to discuss whether or not I would be the right fit for you.